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Occasionally it is determined that dematting is necessary if there is a risk of excessive hair pulling during a normal grooming process due to the condition of the coat. There is an additional charge for this service.
As the owner of the pet(s) named above, I understand that CYPRESS FALLS PET RESORT, its employees, officers, and agents will exercise due care and diligence to protect the health and safety of my pet(s) while in their care. In the event my pet becomes ill or sustains an injury, I agree to have CYPRESS FALLS PET RESORT call the emergency contact provided above regarding my pet‘s symptoms and treatment options. However, if I as the owner or authorized agent cannot be reached, I agree to and consent to the veterinarian retained by CYPRESS FALLS PET RESORT to render care for my pet(s) and agree to full payment of all fees for such medical care.
To prevent the spread of disease while your pet(s) is in our care, dogs must be current on Rabies, distemper, and Bordetella vaccinations. It is the responsibility of the owner to provide proof of vaccination history for each pet using our spa services. The vaccinations must have been administered by a veterinarian prior to arriving at our facility or by a veterinarian of our choice prior to admittance and at the owner‘s expense or they cannot utilize the spa.
Pets are accepted for grooming only under the following conditions:
I have read, understand, and agree to all provisions of this agreement.
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